Friday, November 29, 2013

At this link an article published on the Giornale di Brescia.

I'm back in Ottawa, after several weeks travelling through Brazil, Italy and Albania. I've recorded several CDs that will be soon published! And tomorrow concert in Ottawa, 8pm - Woodroffe United Church, where I'll perform the melodrama Enoch Arden with actor Kevin White (music by R. Strauss on a poem by A. Tennyson) 

Friday, November 1, 2013

I’m in Brasilia after a couple of concerts and some master classes in Goiania (at Universidade Federal de Goiania) during the last days.
I’ve had the pleasure to perform with my friends David Gardner (cello), Alessandro Borgomanero (violin) and Julie Nesrallah (mezzo-soprano).
A taste of Brahms op.8 together with “Briefe an die unsterblieche Geliebte” an excellent work by my colleague James Wright based on the letters to the immortal beloved by L. van Beethoven.
We had nice days together, weather is quite hot and humid, I’ve seen again the monkeys which I like a lot, and had a night in a proper Churrascaria!

Now, before I take a flight to Italy, the last Brazilian project during this tour: a recording to be done in the next 2 days with David Gardner.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I'm back from a short tour.
A concert in Gravenhurst with actor Kevin White, and 2 concerts in Toronto with Benjamin Bowman and Winona Zelenka. A great experience and a lot of fun!
Here the review for the trio concert

Friday, October 18, 2013

Here an article about the collaboration with the Royal Ottawa Hospital.
Greetings from Gravenhurst, where I'll be performing tonight with actor Kevin Withe!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Nice concert yesterday with Paul Marleyn at Langley Community Music School in BC.
A very nice school, beautiful hall and piano!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

"Musica classica in pillole" , that's the name of a new radio show that I'm hosting every Wednesday from 10.30am till 11am.
A show promoted by Chin Radio Ottawa (Ottawa FM 97.9), in collaboration with Carleton University.
Chin Radio is a multicultural radio, and my show is in Italian, even though music is a universal language and everybody is welcome to listen to it!
If you miss the show, don't worry, just click on this link
and you will have access to every show that has been already on air.

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Music Department at Carleton University and the Royal Ottawa Place (a section of the Royal Ottawa Hospital) have established a new collaboration. Students of music from Carleton U. will go to perform in this residence, offering nice moments to the patients. It's a great opportunity to perform in public and at the same time to donate something extremely important to our Community. 

I've been volunteering since a while at the ROH, and I really enjoyed every single moment. Now I will also take care of the organization of this little music series. Today we opened the series with the first performance, by pianist Nick Fobes, 4th year B.Mus. student. It was a nice moment for all the persons attending and I'm looking forward to the next concerts! 

For all the Music Students at Carleton U.

"The emotional and human experience of listening to live music is a right that thanks to you can be available to persons that are facing critic situations. Don’t miss this opportunity, your skills can make someone else’s day much different!"

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Welcome to my blog!

I'm happy to start this blog by telling you a great news:

I have been appointed Artist-in-Residence at Carleton University in Ottawa, and that's fantastic. I'm honored and very excited to have such a great opportunity.
This new position will give me the possibility to take care of several duties on top of teaching and performing, and I'm happy to work on so many interesting projects!

This blog will focus mainly on the activities related to my position at Carleton University, for everything else you might want to check my website